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We are Going To NYC


2022 NYC Missions

This October, 15 High School students will be going on a missions trip to NYC that serves alongside of Living Waters Fellowship Church and the New York City Relief ministries. We have been going on this missions trip for 10 years and we have seen God work in and through our students in amazing ways!


On this missions trip, our students minister directly to children through the Living Waters Fellowship Children's ministry outreach programs. They also meet the desperate needs of the hurting and homeless of NYC through the NYC Bus Relief program. There they help to provide much-needed hope as they talk, pray, share a warm meal, and provide necessities to those on the streets and living in shelters.


PARTICIPATION: Anyone interested in being a part of this missions trip will need to fill out the simple form at the bottom of this page. This trip is for high school students and because we have great student interest for this trip, we also base our selections on past attendance at our EDGE meetings, camps and other events. 


We are asking that students and their families be prayerful about their involvement. 


Below is a schedule for the the missions trip.

Copy of 2021 NYC schedule.png

When Are We Leaving?

We will be leaving from Kingdom parking lot at 7:45AM on Thursday. We are asking for everyone to be at the church by 7:30AM so we can pack the vans and go over any other preliminary details. We plan on arriving back at Kingdom around 7PM on Sunday


What Do We Bring?

Mark, who is our guide and the one in charge, only allows one CARRY-ON  bag per person, plus one bag for bedding. This is because we are not allowed to bring a trailer into the city and will only have 1 minivan for luggage. Toiletries, towels, and bedding (twin size) will be needed. 


What About Spending Money?

Students will need money for food and drinks on the way to and from NYC. During our time in the city, spending money is needed for snacks and drinks in-between meals. We cover all main meals. We will be sightseeing on Saturday night as well, so money for souvenirs is also applicable. We recommend $75 and up concerning spending money.  


If you have any other questions, please contact Pastor James at

A Ministry of

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