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Theme: Boot Camp

APRIL 14 - 16

This retreat is designed to help students renew their faith and love in Christ.  God bless you for encouraging your child in his/her faith. The basic format for this retreat is a time for your child to look at their relationship with others, to look at God, and their response to Him, especially through the person of Jesus Christ. A team of trained adults and young adults will facilitate the retreat.

Who Can Go?

This Retreat is for Current 6th – 12th Graders. 

What Is The Cost?

Retreat cost is $100 per student with a $10 discount for each added student. There are always scholarships available through the amazing generosity of our church family. Please feel free to contact Pastor James to if your family finds yourselves in need.  

Where Is It?

Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV.

What Will We Do?

Every day we will be uplifted and challenged through worship services, interactive teaching, fellowship, games, food (my personal favorite), and plenty of free time to enjoy the camp facilities.

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2019-04-06 11.32.14

What Do We Bring?

We will be staying in cabins, with beds and bathrooms. Students must bring bedding (twin sheets) and pillows, toiletries, towels, Bible, pen/pencil, and enough clothing for three days. Skateboards, fishing poles, sports equipment, balls, and musical instruments are encouraged. Students will be discouraged from having electronics of any kind with the exception of cell phones. Cell phones will be collected and given back when needed, and at the end of camp. Students are permitted to contact parents at any time and parents can contact Pastor James or a leader to get in touch with a student also. You can also keep up to date through our social media accounts. Any electronics discovered will be put in holding (by me) and returned when the retreat is over.

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How Much Money Will Be Needed?

We bring the majority of snacks and drinks with plenty of water provided. You may want to provide money for your child to purchase some vending machine snacks and drinks located at the Retreat Center. A good estimate is around $15. 

When Are We Leaving?

We are asking students to arrive at Kingdom at 4:00PM. We will pack the trailer and then will eat dinner at 4:30PM. Dinner will be Chick-Fil-A with snacks and water will be provided. at 5:00PM we will get ready to leave for Cedar Lakes. 



Arrive @ Kingdom: 4:00PM

Eat Dinner @ Kingdom:  4:30PM

Leave Kingdom: 5:15PM

Arrive at CL: 7:30PM

Intro & Worship: 8:30PM​

Snacks & Hang: 10:30PM​

Cabins: 11:00PM​


Breakfast: 7:30AM-8:15AM​

Worship: 9:00AM​

Small Groups: 10:15AM​

Organized Hang: 11:30PM​

Lunch: 12:00PM​

Organized Games: 1:15PM​

Organized Hang: 2:15PM​

Clean-up: 4:30PM​

Dinner: 5:00PM-6:00PM​

Group Challenge: 6:30PM​

Worship: 8:00PM

Organized Hang: 10:00PM​

Cabins: 11:00PM​


Breakfast: 7:30AM​

Cleanup / Packup: 8:15AM​

Closing Worship: 9:30AM​

Depart: 11:00AM​

Arrive @ Kingdom: 1:30PM​​


A Ministry of

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